Temperance in the East Lodge of Instruction No.898
The brethren of the above old lodge have now settled down at Bro. W. Jeves' hostelry, the Greenwich Pensioner, Bow-lane, Poplar, where the worthy host has not spared any pains to make the room suitable for lodge purposes. His endeavours are evidently appreciated, for good attendances take place each Wednesday, and, on our attending last Wednesday, we were glad to see so well appointed a lodge well supported by so many of the principal members of the parent lodge.
We learn that Bro. F. Pulsford, P.M. 898, has kindly consented to act as Preceptor, Bro. George Graveley, P.M. 898, has been unanimously elected Treasurer, and in a young and energetic brother - the D.C. of the mother lodge, Bro. A.S. Duck [A.G.Duck] - the brethren have secured an able and painstaking Secretary.
There were present Bros. J. F. Richardson, as W.M.; Boyd, S.W.; Burgess, J.W.; Pulsford, P.M., Preceptor; Duck, Hon, Sec; Hammond, jun., S.D., Geo. Sidders, P.M., J.D.; Healy, I.G.; Butcher , W.M. 898; Stephens, P.M.; Jeves, Dixon, 1259; Williams, Ringrose, S. G. Bonner, 1382; and others.
The ceremonies of initiation and passing were carefully rehearsed, Bros. Williams and Dixon acting as the respective candidates. Bro. Boyd was elected W.M. for the next meeting, and Bros. Hammond, Ringrose, and Burgess were duly appointed to audit the lodge accounts. Bro. W. Jeves, whose great services to the lodge are fully appreciated, was unanimously elected an honorary member, and suitably returned thanks for this mark of esteem. Bro. S. G. Bonner, 1382, and Hon Sec. Corinthian Lodge of Instruction, announced the working of the Corinthian Lodge on Tuesday evenings, and invited all brethren who could attend to do so.
Bro. Bonner expressed the desire of the brethren of 1382 to maintain the closest ties of brotherly love with the members of the sister lodge 898 [mother lodge 898], and offered any brethren who might desire to work any particular office, that if they would attend 1382 the opportunity of doing so would be cheerfully afforded. Bro. Pulsford, P.M., endorsed the remarks of Bro. Bonner, and recommended the working of the Corinthian Lodge, as it was similar to their own style of working. Other matters comfortably disposed of, lodge was closed in harmony and adjourned.
(Reproduced from The Freemason 23rd October 1886, page 616)